Ho Chi Minh City Map and Environment Resources Co., Ltd.

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Starting from February 1st, Binh Duong adopted 2 cities near HCMC: Di An, Thuan An

TTO – With a fast speed of developing its economy, industrialization and urbanization, Binh Duong province is ready to have two additional cities Di An and Thuan An, both adjacent with HCMC.

Highway 13 crossing the area of Viet Nam – Singapore industrial zone (VSIP1) in Thuan An city, Binh Duong province – Photo: QUANG DINH

President of Congress Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen has just approved the resolution of establishing Di An city and Thuan An city in Binh Duong province on behalf of the Parliament Standing Committee, which would come into effect starting from February 1st 2020.

The Parliament Standing Committee requested the Government, Binh Duong Province People’s Council and People’s Committee as well as other responsible organizations to implement said resolution, ensuring the stable setting of legal systems, settling daily life of locals as well as growing the economy, society, national defense and security on the field of action.

The city of Di An was established on the basis of 60,1km2 total of natural area and the population of 403.000 in township of Di An. This was Binh Duong’s “hotspot” city with close proximity with both HCMC and Dong Nai, owning many zone-connecting projects such as Ha Noi motorway, Dong Nai bridge, the new Mien Dong coach station, urban area of HCMC National University…

Interfering with HCMC and Dong Nai, Di An city of Binh Duong province was asymptotic with neighboring areas. A large number of people working in HCMC would choose Di An when it comes to buying houses, as land value in some areas of Di An city was as high as HCMC’s suburb districts.

The city of Thuan An was established on the basis of 83,71km2 total of natural area and the population of 508.000 in township of Thuan An. This city owned large industrial zones such as Viet Nam – Singapore (VSIP 1), Viet Huong, with the Highway 13 passing… as well as being one of the “top” contributors of Binh Duong province’s budget.

In addition, the Parliament Standing Committee also decided to establish 4 wards of Vinh Tan, Phu Chanh, Tan Vinh Hiep, Hoi Nghia in township of Tan Uyen.

As such, starting from February 1st 2020, Binh Duong would own 3 cities: Thu Dau Mot city (upgraded into a city since 2012), Di An city and Thuan An city.

Binh Duong province’s authorities have set their goal of achieving type 1 urban on the whole of provincial area in the next few years.

English translation: Ho Chi Minh City Map and Environment Resources Co., Ltd.